“I’m happy to be a part of Snehadhara now. I’m happy that I will be a part of Snehadhara for as long as I am able.” says Rathna.

“I began with working for Dr Gitanjali before Snehadhara had been set up. I started with looking after the baby and helping around the house. I have seen Dr Gitanjali teach French, work at Magic Puddles and then Snehadhara, up till today, nearly 18 years. The first child I met like our SF children was Sneha, the same Sneha who gave SF its name. I remember Dr Gitanjali was upset when Sneha was having difficulty getting admission in schools. She told me that this had to change and then she started Snehadhara. Working with her, I have also become a part of Snehadhara Foundation.”

“It makes me so happy to be part of SF. I don’t know if that word is enough but I do feel very happy. I slowly started being around children like Sneha when they visited, stepping in to support with session, during field trips and so on. I feel very comfortable doing all this. I never thought of our children as different or anything. In fact, they are all, like I just said, “our” children. I care for them the same. My personal experience with loss only makes me realise how precious all children are and I will care for them anyway I can. There is a sense of fulfillment and contentment for me here. I hope that Snehadhara can become a leader in this field. This should be taken throughout India and abroad and the name should be known everywhere. I have this big desire for Snehadhara and my best wishes to Dr Gitanjali for everything.”

What is Humans of SF? 

This is a series on the humans of SF; an attempt to celebrate each of the people who make Snehadhara whole. Novelist Anne Sewell said “It is good people who make good places.” And amongst the many good people in this world, there are some here at Snehadhara who make up this good place. We are ecstatic to bring to you glimpses of the Snehadhara team. Join us as we delve into the stories of people who stand for SF.