The école இllam programme has collaborated with many organizations for short-term programmes, engaging with their beneficiary groups in an online format. We use different art forms during our work, including storytelling, dance, movement, drama, music, visual arts, etc.
10-hour programmes are designed, catering to the needs of the beneficiary group, and with an aim to promote psychosocial and emotional well-being. Our collaborations include work with children from slum areas, children with special needs with parents serving in the Army, and grassroots organizations across the country. Read more about some of these collaborations.
If you are an organization, and wish to collaborate with us, and have this programme conducted with your beneficiaries, write to us at contact@snehadharafoundation.org
Umang Special Care Centre, Alwar
The team at Snehadhara Foundation worked with 7 children at the Umang Special Care Centre at Alwar using the methodology of the arts, with children with special needs belonging to military families. The focus was to give them an experience of the multi-arts methodologies of music, art, dance, drama and play as a pilot model being implemented in a one-of-its-kind space for children with disabilities from military families. The engagement involves three visits to Alwar to conduct these face-to-face sessions, and is a continuation of our work with the children through two terms of the école இllam programme.
Kendriya Vidyalaya, Itarana, Alwar
The team at Snehadhara Foundation worked with the Kendriya Vidyalaya at Itarana, Alwar by offering various programmes for students from different grades. We conducted storytelling sessions with 500 children from grades 1st-5th, play sessions with grades 6th-7th, and sessions on effective habits of successful people with children from grades 8th-12th during our visits to Alwar.
Light Up (Emotions Matter Foundation), Delhi
Light Up (EMF) is a social venture focusing on equipping children from urban slums, juvenile care homes, and sex work communities with social-emotional skills.
From November 2021, we have been conducting sessions with their beneficiary group of 20 children from Sanjay Camp, an urban slum in Delhi. The goal is to promote psycho-social well-being, a sense of community and empathy, and inculcate inclusion in the children and adolescents from the community. Two terms of such sessions have been conducted with the group.
We are the Common People, Kolkata
We Are The Common People is a voluntary(non-individual, non-political,non-government) organization promoted by like-minded educationists, doctors, legal experts, technocrats, social activists, dynamic entrepreneurs, enthusiastic students and effervescent youth to bring a perceptible change in the present social set-up, working in Kolkata.
In August 2021, we worked with a group of adolescents and young adults from slum communities, in the age range of 14-30 years, focussing on their psychosocial and emotional growth, and promoting self-expression using the arts!