“I would say that there’s something you can learn from everyone. Being yourself and being a learner is the everyday change to a better version of ourselves.” says Ruthika.

“I think the right word for my journey with Snehadhara is serendipitous. The way I got through to Dr Gitanjali’s number on Facebook and I called her-I had just finished my other course; I was directed to ABT (Arts-Based Therapy) through Google. And ABT changed my way of thinking, my relationship with nature and the universe. I would say I’m very grateful that this has happened and I think it had to happen because the universe had planned this for me. Gitanjali ma’am and Sumathi ma’am have really helped me so gently and lovingly. I’ve been given so many opportunities and I’m grateful for this all.

“Here, I went from student, to faculty, to supervisor. I have witnessed and experienced a lot of growth. For me, the work is about training myself and being there for others. The beginning was tuning me to be myself which helped me do what was coming in my way. And growth came from trust, faith and the intuition and vision of those around me here. It guided me. I’m still finding myself and learning the ways of the world and trying to be better. ABT is a way of life. And API (Arts Practices for Inclusion) has just made it deeper with personal growth, practice and guiding other people. They say you learn more when you teach. I’m looking forward to this journey; I’m grateful to take API to other places and people. I see myself as part of the team at SF, bringing my specific skill sets to achieve its vision. I would say that there’s always something you can learn from everyone. Be yourself and be a learner. And then apply this and reach more people – that’s the next level. Don’t be worried about change. Hold the intentions, let it guide your actions and words. Have faith and go with the flow of learning.”

What is Humans of SF? 

This is a series on the humans of SF; an attempt to celebrate each of the people who make Snehadhara whole. Novelist Anne Sewell said “It is good people who make good places.” And amongst the many good people in this world, there are some here at Snehadhara who make up this good place. We are ecstatic to bring to you glimpses of the Snehadhara team. Join us as we delve into the stories of people who stand for SF.