One-on-One Sessions
The one-on-one sessions are designed on the framework of Snehadhara’s Direct Beneficiary programme. The arts-based sessions are conducted online or face-to-face and are designed keeping in mind the learning and therapeutic goals of each individual child.
Our Philosophy
The inherent idea behind the programme is the belief that every child can have a meaningful existence of life-long learning, regardless of their physical, and mental abilities. SF believes that learning is a learner-led process and happens in a loving, non-threatening environment. The “continuous learning” itself forms one of the core values which SF operates on. The learning process for each individual at Snehadhara is the heart of our functioning. The best practices and philosophies of Cognitive Psychology, Child Psychology, Neuro-biology, Evolutionary Neuropsychology, Buddhism, Arts-based Therapy and Linguistics are often referred to continuously update the way we look at learning itself. The motive of each facilitator at SF is to ensure the design and delivery of learning sessions where the needs and goals of the child are kept at the center. It is ensured that, in each session, we meet the child where the child is.

Highlights of the Program
To promote inclusive spaces and awareness of learning diversities.
To identify, work on and map out the individual goals of children.
To ensure that each child, regardless of abilities or disabilities, is able to have access to a learning space.
To use arts-based mediums to create a freedom-giving environment for the child to learn.
To take an individualized and multi-domain approach to learning.
To focus on building and improving domains of Attention, Cognition, Motor Skills, Communication, Social Skills, and more, based on the needs of the child.
To focus on classroom readiness and working on social skills of the child.

Curriculum 2024-25
The curriculum for the academic year 2024-25 is designed keeping in mind broad-level goals that we want to focus on for the children in the one-on-one sessions programme.
The programme includes touching upon multiple topics under Sciences, Social Sciences, Literacy and Numeracy through the Home Sciences. The curriculum is the broad framework of what is covered. These topics are used as an anchor to build on the goals of Cognitive, Body, Language and Social Domains. Each of these topics are covered through different forms of arts including visual arts, music, movement, drama and play amongst others. The programme will be progressive in nature, delving into different areas and stages of learning, while setting appropriate goals for the child and the group to achieve based on their abilities at the beginning of the session. Each session will be modified based on the observations of the previous session and the needs of the group. Building a sense of social identity and belonging through community living, and building independence and self-reliance through activities of daily living are the key identifying features of the programme.
The curriculum leverages home science concepts to tailor a learning curriculum for this particular group and context.